Florence by Mills Like a Light Skin Tint 30ml (Various Shades) - F020
  • Create a flawless base with the Florence by Mills Like a Light Skin Tint. Providing lightweight coverage, the tint creates the perfect blank canvas for any makeup look, ideal for those who want no-makeup makeup, or a more natural style. Non-greasy and lightweight, the formula is easily absorbed for almost instant hydration and effortless application. With a sheer finish, the tint illuminates the complexion, blurring any imperfections while letting your natural beauty shine through. Enriched with Jojoba, the formula has anti-inflammatory power, reducing any redness and cooling any irritation to leave a more even tone and texture. A natural form of Squalene plumps the skin with hydration, deeply nourishing the complexion while smoothing the surface. Also infused with Meadowfoam Oil, the formula creates a seal to lock in this newfound moisture, ensuring long-lasting hydration. Multitalented, Meadowfoam also provides antioxidant protection, shielding the skin from harmful environmental aggressors and damaging urban stressors, such as blue light and pollution, which can dry out the skin. Free from phthalates, parabens, sulphates and synthetic fragrance.
1 764₽

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